Well as you may have noticed, this week's entry marked the (second) official end to Sushipalooza '09. It seemed as good a time as any to end it, being the end of the year and all. As the weather got colder and the walks got longer, it started to feel like I was reaching the limit of what I could reasonably call "local" sushi places. I probably could've dragged it out for a few more weeks, but then I wouldn't have been able to end things at the end of the year in an all-you-can-eat joint with my family. Better to go out with a bang than a whimper, I always say!
So what have we learned? Lots! Though very little of it is of any use:
- Total sushi restaurants visited: 33 (not counting out-of-town extra places).
- Furthest distance traveled: 1.4 km (actually, 1.37).
- Total spent: $896 (!... and I didn't even pay for a couple that people genorously treated me to).
- Best meal: Omi on Carlton.
- Worst meal: Mariko.
- Blowfish-related food poisonings: 0.
Well, that's that. More or less. I'm sure I'll still eat sushi from time to time, and when I do, probably I'll be unable to resist the urge to photograph it and blog about it. So there's that to look forward to.
Thanks for joining me on this fantastic quest, imaginary readers! It's been a slice! Happy New Year!